03/2024 - We have a 2,5-year-old rough coated male for sale
M LITTER - born on April 6, 2021
Father: Lovely Orange Alex Merphy
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L LITTER - born on April 4, 2021
Father: Ho vinto per Armonia Canina
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K LITTER - born on November 8, 2020
Father: Ho vinto per Armonia Canina
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G LITTER - born on December 3, 2017
Father: BJ-Merlin Happy Florén
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F LITTER - born on September 23, 2016
Father: Southjack Ghiaccio Bollente
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E LITTER - born on December 4, 2015
Father: Southjack Ghiaccio Bollente
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D LITTER - born on March 15, 2014
Father: Ch. Toutchstone Jack's First Card
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C LITTER - born on February 8, 2013
Father: JCh. Bake Rolls Fidlant
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B LITTER - born on January 9, 2012
Father: Honey Boy Dominik
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A LITTER - born on December 22, 2010
Father: Aust. Grand Ch. Pretorium Just U Are It
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I carefully chose the parents of litters L and M and as the puppies are as nice as expected, I have chosen one female and one male for breeding. For the same reason, I offer puppies only now when they can soon go to new homes, and I also require from future owners to complete with the adult dog at least 5 dogshows because such puppies definitely deserve to be seen and judged by experts in the future. And if you haven't been to any dogshow yet, there is nothing to be worried about, I will help and advise you with everything. I didn't know anything 12 years ago and I didn't really want to go to dogshows either... But dogs usually enjoy them very much!
Price of puppies:
Males - top quality 1,500 Euro - one with broken coat, others with rough coat
Females according to quality 1,600 and 1,500 Euro - with rough coat
The ancestors of the puppies come from the leading Australian bloodlines.
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We are a small kennel and we have a couple of dogs who live together in a pack, along with our family and even though certainly some dogs will be added up sooner or later, nothing will change on that. The doggies are contented and happy because we devote ourselves to them as much as possible. We engage in the agility and hunting with the dogs when the hunting is gradually more and more prevalent. Personally, I do not know better feeling than when I see how I am important for each of these dogs, how they try to meet my requirements while their eyes emanate maximum satisfaction...
We have identified our priority objectives in our breeding: to breed healthy happy puppies of the highest exhibition quality with the hunting endowment. It's not an easy task, especially in case of such a young breed like this but we will do our best. Judge for yourselves whether we manage to meet these goals.
For that reason we will be certainly glad to sell a puppy to each hunter who would like to continue in this activity but it's not a requirement. Like a dachshund, which is used in hunting for years and it is also a very popular companion dog, the Jack Russell Terrier excels in hunting too but he will be completely satisfied as a companion dog. The Jack Russell weighs about 6 kg (13 pounds) but it is a small package of incredibly cheerful energy. In comparison with the dachshund the jack russell is not stubborn and he has not the dachshund's mood however he is very similar in the rest. The Jack Russel has wonderful temperament but also flexible and not cantankerous nature and so he will be glad to be with his owner whatever he will do with him. We have chosen this race because of its character and it is even better than we expected. It will be a pleasure for us if we can make some other people happy. You can have a puppy as a companion, go in for some sport, hunting with him or devote to the exhibitions and to breeding other happy descendants. It is up to you.
A male at the age of 8 weeks costs about 1,300 Euro and a female 1,500 Euro. The final price may slightly change according to the quality of a particular puppy - up and also down - and according to the age of that puppy.
The puppy will be chipped, wormed and vaccinated and registered in the International Dog Registry at the moment of the delivery. You will receive a European veterinary passport and an export pedigree completely filled in (with all ancestors). In case of your interest I will let you know other ascendants of your puppy, who are not mentioned in the pedigree any more.
The puppies will be suitable for shows, breeding but also for training - whether for agility, dogdancing, dogfrisbee, flyball or for hunting training. If you are interested I offer you help in the breeding beginning - eg. advice regarding breeding, shows, training, etc. The puppies are very convenient for active people, who like dogs and any activity with them. You can go in for shows and breeding with this marvellous, amuzing and funny race, with which you will definitely not be bored.
You can book a puppy by Email:
Email: jrt@jack-russell-terrier-jrt.cz
Or you can ask by phone:
Phone: 00420 603 164 831
I understand English very well, especially when it is written.
If you do not manage to contact us for the first time, send an SMS message or call again. We probably attend to our dogs and we cannot answer.
We offer high-quality puppies whose all ancestors are of the leading Australian blood lines. It is an important information because the Australians breed the Jack Russells for 60 years and only this origin guarantees the above described strifeless character. Read the JRT standard or what induced me to breed Jacks.
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© 2010-24 Armonia Canina FCI
Zuzana Slanska - Stitary - Sumna - Znojmo (Znaim) District, Czech Republic |
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Breeding on the top Australian lines: