03/2024 - We have a 2,5-year-old rough coated male for sale
It is a marvellous litter!! As they grow up they are nicer and nicer! Find more details about puppies.
Penny Marry/JR Rags Puma - Excellent 1, CWC (i.e. Polish CAC)
The Line Ofire Rags Puma - Very promising 1, The Best Puppy
Judge: Jaroslav Matyas (Slovakia)
Penny has won her class and Linee already in his second show behaves nearly professionally in the ring. And he has walked in the final ring!
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Penny Marry/JR Rags Puma - Excellent 1, CAC, CC
The Line Ofire Rags Puma - Promising 2
Judge: Olga Dolejsova
(49 JRT in the show)
The judgment rather strange but in spite of that Penny succeeded. I have not even expected it. So, rather satisfaction for us. Moreover both my dogs will be at professional photos somewhere in Scandinavia in calendars or in something like that. I could exhibit Linee for the first time, and he behaved immaculately. Difficult to believe that it was for the first time! And what's more, it is confirmed that everything is OK. And that he is a very nice dog - from another judge.
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Penny Marry/JR Rags Puma - twice Excellent 1, twice CAC - VDH, twice CAC - KfT, once BOB
Judge: Ing. H. Watschinger from Austria and Frauke Korte from Germany
It is a splendorous place in the middle of woods, in which plenty of game and other animals are bred in fences and their meat is used in a local restaurant. Only I am very surprised that Special Shows of Terriers are held in a place like that. Terriers are first of all hunting dogs! And to show them and to spend 2 days in such an ambient? Nothing simple for me. Well, it is truth that apart from Penny only other 2 dogs were entered in the working class! A little astounding in the group of terriers! And there were surely many kinds of the game and animals there: wild boars, fallow deers, moufflons, bears(!), ostrichs, horses, ponies, goats, sheep, bisons, miniature rabbits, Chinese and guinea pigs. Simply a small zoological garden.
And another interesting thing. Uncredible heat on Saturday and downpour for whole Sunday. And it is said that it is absolutely normal for that place. I went home with all my things wet. That was our trip to Germany, from which we brought many adventures but also awards. I am afraid I cannot show Linee in Germany yet. He has to have at least 6 months. What is a pitty!
Penny Marry/JR Rags Puma - double Excellent 1, double Jugend CAC - VDH, double Jugend CAC - KfT, double Junior BOB
Judge: Robert Blümel from Austria, Ilse Freerksen from Germany
Great problems with a car during the journey but great judges, fine mood, only refreshment in such a great show was nothing special. And Penny also walked in the final ring with all terriers and she managed to be between the best five ones. However I do not know concrete placing because only a winner has been chosen. By this show Penny became a twofold German Junior Champion and she even has a CAC over for VDH.
Penny Marry/JR Rags Puma - Excellent 1, CAC, National Winner
Judge: Zbynek Kubik
51 JRT, 11 bitches in the class
I showed only Penny and there was a superb judge who managed to maintain his sense of humour until the end, and in fact in incredible conditions. It should have been raining for the whole day. And it looked like that in the morning. A thunderstorm 30 km far away but sultry weather in Mlada Boleslav for the whole day. And we exhibited dogs in a hall. And in a terrible hall! Something like an aviation hangar - a huge tent - with a transparent ceiling. A ventilation was working but in spite of that it was really terrible there. Poor dogs, poor exhibitors and first of all poor judges who had to be there for the whole time.
That suffering was worth it for us. Penny acquired CAC in the intermediate class with a biggest number of bitches, i.e. 11 bitches. It looks like that huge quantity of bitches moves from the young class to the intermediate class. A duel was very suspenseful between Penny and Fabianne of Dana Svabova. The judge let both of us walking for a long time, then again in a show position, again walking, again a show position. People around the ring were in ferment and it was really very thrilling. A professional handler handled Fabiane but I think that I was very professional as well. And at the end Penny managed to win!!
And not only that. She acquired a National Winner!! Penny was very skilful and she behaves more and more professionally in the ring. And it means that it is enough to obtain a CAC in 2011 and Penny is a Czech Champion!!
She acquired a full number of points and she was the quickest one! She run through the hole for 9 second for the second time. The judges were very surprised that a JRT bitch won a trial in a fox hole. And Penny was amazing. She had been bursting for 3 hours when she was waiting her turn.
And together with the victory of her father in the World Show in Denmark - a very successful weekend indeed!
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Penny Marry/JR Rags Puma - 2x Excellent 1, 2x Jugend CAC - VDH, 2x Jugend CAC - KfT, 1x BOB, Landesjugendsieger/Siegerin Thüringen
Judges: Elisabeth Feuz from Switzerland, Ilse Freerksen from Germany
Penny Marry/JR Rags Puma - Excellent
Judge: Petter Fodstadt from Finland
Penny Marry/JR Rags Puma - Excellent 4
Judge: Karin Bernardis from Austria
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Penny Marry/JR Rags Puma - Excellent
Judge: Alena Auerbach
Penny Marry/JR Rags Puma - Excellent 3
Judge: Hrabakova
Penny Marry/JR Rags Puma - Excellent 2, res. Jug. CAC VDH, res. Jug. CAC KfT
Judge: Heidecker Elfriede from Austria
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Penny Marry/JR Rags Puma - 1st very promising - puppy class
Judge: Eva Letackova
Penny Marry/JR Rags Puma - 1st very promising - puppy class
Judge: Walter Berghauser
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© 2010-24 Armonia Canina FCI
Zuzana Slanska - Stitary - Sumna - Znojmo (Znaim) District, Czech Republic |
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